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Kenya has made a tremendous development in providing safe and productive sanitation over the last years. Ecological sanitation (ecosan) with its focus on making use of the valuable resources in sanitation like nutrients (fertilizer), water and biogas has played a major role in this process. However there are still gaps in service provision of ecological sanitation, especially training and capacity building in Kenya. The Kenyan GTZ water program and the German GTZ Sustainable sanitation - ecosan program aims to fill this current gap. We would like to bring together Kenyan institutional players, opinion leaders, promoters and entrepreneurs of ecosan and sanitation to discuss about the vision and impact of ecosan in Kenya. What services do Kenyans, its institutions and the private sector need to reap the enormous potential of ecological and other sustainable sanitation solutions for public health and wealth?
Therefore we welcome you/ and/or your sanitation expert to join our ecosan vision workshop in Nairobi facilitated by Kenyan ecosan experts and consultants from seecon (http://www.seecon.che/ Switzerland) and Ecosan Service Foundation India (http://ecosanservices.org/esf/  India):

Date: Monday, 8:00 am, September 27th, 2010
Venue: Red Court Hotel – off Mombasa Road, Nairobi

The workshop attendance including lunch and tea is free. Overnight accommodation, travel costs and any other associated expenses would need to be met from within your own resources. For more detailed information please find attached the workshop program including the directions to the venue.

We would highly appreciate your participation in the workshop and kindly ask you for your confirmation by 1st September 2010 via e-mail at ecosankenya@gmail.com .

For online registration klick here

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch.

The draft program is as following:



Kenya has made a tremendous development in providing safe and productive sanitation over the last years. The Kenyan GTZ water program and the GTZ susan program aims to fill the current gap in service provision of sustainable sanitation, especially training and capacity building in Kenya. Therefore we welcome you or one of your sanitation experts to join our study tour and ecosan workshop in Ugunja and Mumias, facilitated by consultants from seecon (Switzerland) and Ecosan Service Foundation India (ESF-India):

Tuesday, September 21st, 2010:Study tour to existing ecosan pilot projects near Ugunja and Mumias (Departure from Ugunja)

Wednesday, September 22nd, 2010: “ecosan Capacity Development Workshop” (day 1), Ugunja

The “ecosan Capacity Development Workshop” workshop is specifically designed to the needs of Kenyan sanitation experts working in the field of ecosan and will feature input presentations, discussions and group works to address issues such as “Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS)”, social Marketing for Behavioral Change, Imitation of Capacity Building Initiatives and Resource Management.

Thursday, 8.30 am September 23rd, 2010:“ecosan Capacity Development Workshop” (day 2), Ugunja

Friday, 7.00 am September 24th, 2010:Study tour to the ROSA ecosan project in Nakuru (Departure from Ugunja and return to Kisumu, or private continuation to Nairobi)

Invitations have been already send out to selected ecosan practitioners. If you have failed to receive an invitation and are interested to participate please forward your application to ecosankenya@gmail.com. The number of particpants is limited to 20. There will be a waiting list.

For online registration cklick here

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to write an email to ecosankenya@gmail.com .

The draft program is as following




Rongo district schools and householders UDDTS. Follow -ups.June 2010 by Wycliffe Osumba.Submitted on 01-07-2010.

Implemented by: {CBO}Kadoma self help group, LVSWSB, EPP. Ecosan components: Public Primary School, and individual house holds follow ups was done according to the planned activities. Construction time: May 2009 – May 2010; Operation started: June 2010

Current state
Public schools in Rongo had some difficulties with the useage of the uddts due to lack of proper training by the constructors who were given the work. And the unfinished construction work, another area of concern was the population of the pupils to monitor who is going to use the units is still a challenge to all schools I visited. Each school had two doors for boys and two doors for girls and each school have population over 8oo pupils.

Lack of community involvement during the implementation of UDDTs also created some problem because community was not willing to finish the remaining parts or the unfinished parts. Therefore further training is needed for the following schools:
- Nyarach primary school
- Nyarach mixed secondary school
- Kodero bara boys secondary school
- Kodero bara primary school:Kamondi primary school, no water tank, no gutters installed and no urine containers.
- Nyakwere primary school: back door plate was not well done, water is getting into the chambers, gutters were not properly fitted and water tanks in place.
- Rongo primary school: gutters were not fitted well, water tanks was provided but can not be installed due to the security, getting the ash from the kitchen is a problem.
- Kitere primary school: construction wok was not completed for both boys and girls.
Formation of school health club is in place with good structures involving community, pupils and teachers.
• Meeting with head teachers/ principles of secondary schools.
Existing Opportunities of the schools
• Availability of land
• Human resource
• Availability of iron roof for water harvesting
• Skilled teachers to facilitate both pupils and communities.
• Available manpower.
• Positive attitude of communities member both pupils and teachers.
• Skilled staff on environmental conservation and ecological sanitation management.
Weaknesses• Lack of modern technology and skills on biogas, use of sunlight to produce power system for light.
• Lack of sufficient information education and communication to both community and school.
• Lack of the external resources to help facilitate the sustainable projects.
Threats• Hostile and sometimes unpredictable climate
• Poor soil texture
• Tropical diseases and pest
• Destruction caused by animals and human being.
• Theft

Success indicators• Community members and pupils had been sensitized in new methods and techniques using Ecosan product.
• Both community, pupils, and teachers have already developed positive attitudes towards ecosan project.
• Community members are planting more trees to address the climate change.
Current activities
• Maize plantations are in place.
• Planning to start horticultural garden in school.
• Ecosan club meetings are an on going activity.

Problems• Lack of water for irrigation and hand washing during dry season, and most schools do not have water supply system in school.
• Lack of sartified seed for planting.
• Few ecosan constructed area not enough for both pupils and teachers, this makes work difficult to monitor who is to use the unit.
General comment-Rise in demand of ecosan services by community due to increased awareness of the benefits of UDDTs.

Kitere Prim. School (Rongo District)

Fig 1: Ongoing construction of UDDTs.

Fig 2: Urine fertilized maise on the school farm

Fig 3 :Artisan (Emanuel Ouma) constructor of the UDDT

Fig 4: Patron (Mr. Jotham Ayomo) of the ecosan school club.


Most of the community groups are women groups with good structures in place.

Chair person
Committee members
Group members.

Most of these groups are legal groups that registered with ministry of culture and social services. The groups have the project goals, objectives, problems statement, justification, and activities, meeting monthly for data collection and report. Most of the group I visited are concerned with the environmental conservation after they had gone through different trainings on income generating activities.

I had managed to reach the following groups:
- Kodoma self help group in Rongo District.
- Kanyonje women group in north rachuonyo district
- Tang lweti women group in North Rachuonyo District
- Upendo women group in north Rachuonyo District.
- Nyomindi self help group in north rachuonyo district.
- Hope and kindness orphan and catre centre in South Rachuonyo District – replication project.
- St Francis Nyangajo girl’s secondary school north Rachuonyo District.-replication project.
Management of facilities
In Rachuonyo all the constructed uddts are in use and some the members had already use the urine for top dressing their crop, and according to the users the result are so wonderful. The urine normally takes one and half week to get full that is a family of 8 and one chamber takes 8- 10 months.

Current activities
- Merry go round
- Local poultry keeping
- Bee keeping
- Horticultural farming
- Banana planting
- Tree nursery
- Pot making
- Rope making
- Bucket making
- Orchard farming ( mango and orange)
During community follow ups, communities identified the following problem:

• Most the community members still have a big problem with hygiene, for example no proper waste management, no bathroom and place for cleaning laundry.
• The water sources are already contaminated because all the laundry cleaning and bathing are still practiced along the Lakes, Rivers and Ponds.
• During the rainy period many pit latrine collapses due to poor soil.
• Water is all scarce that are directly affecting mothers and child girl, as they walk long distance (up to 10 km) to collect just a bucket of 20 liters.
• Girls UDDTs need to connected with bath room to help them change during their monthly period and boys need urinal place to be connected near UDDTs.
Challenges of project
The main challenge is the high demand of ecosan technologies but lack of funding. The process of applying for the funds is long and people in the community are not aware of these funds. The people in charge of implementation and funding are not aware of ecosan especially for the Ministry of Education, Water Services Trust Fund, Water Services Boards and water services companies.

Way forward/ Action plan for July 2010
• Training the needy school on tree nusery management and school farming
• Training on horticultural farming
• Community training on how to manage community groups
• Follow ups of the unfinished construction
• Report writing every two weeks and sending

General comment-The work plan developed for June 2010 was not practical because I had leant that movement to these sites for visiting individual beneficiaries is not easy. I only managed the above groups, the rest was carried forward.

Kadoma Self Help Group (Rongo District)

Fig 5: UDDT owner (Caroline Atieno) using urine for maize and bananas

Fig 6: Maize plantation of UDDT owner Caroline Atieno

Rachouonyo North and South District
Fig 7 :Self sponsored UDDT (Church of God 7th day an international community). Fig 8:Old pit latrine, collapsed during the rain season 2010 (Church of God 7th day an international community).
Fig 9:Self sponsored UDDT (Church of God 7th day an international community) and old pit latrine.
Fig 10: Self sponsored UDDT (Caren Odek) Chairlady for Kanyonje Women Group
Fig 11:Faecal chamber of UDDT owned by Caren Odek
Fig 12 :Composting site used also for ecosan products (Caren Odek)
Fig 13:EPP funded UDDT where first chamber is full and second one is in use (Kanyonje Women Group).
Fig 14:Single chamber UDDT constructed by fund from Kendu Adventist Hospital (2004)
Fig 15:Kanyonje Women Group during the merry go round (Microfinance and Credit).
Fig 16:EPP fundet UDDT (Kanyonje Women Group).
Fig17:EPP fundet UDDT owned by Elsa Amayo (Tanglweti Women Group)
Fig 18:UDDT owned by Debora Nyonje (Tanglweti Women Group)
Fig19:Self sponsored UDDT in Hope and Kindness orphanage Centre in South Rachuonyo District in front the drying chamber.
Fig 20:Empting the dry faeces by a community member who uses the faeces as fertilizer.

The pictures are also available at flickr.com



The following report explains the LUANDA KOTIENO BEACH PUBLIC MARKET AND WATER KIOSK Project visited on 19th July and reported by Moses Wakala)

Implemented by: Beach Management Committee, Comila construction company, EPP
Ecosan components: Toilet Block with showers and urinal for men and 4 flush toilets, 50 cbm biogas settler (BG), Anaerobic Baffled Reactor with 6 chamber (5x1 m) (ABR), Effluent piping to nearby agricultural farm, Biogas reuse for cooking in a food cafe to start.
Construction time: March 2010 – July 2010; Operation not started

Current state:
The toilet block and all the other components have just been completed three days ago. There was a delay in implementation and construction as a result of failure of the first construction company to commence the construction which made EPP to cancel the contract and award it to Comila Construction company that managed to finish the work. The consultant who was the supervisor from EPP then had to ensure the completion of this project at all costs. All the structures have been done to completion. There is no piped water nearby the new toilet block. Gas use concept is not developed yet and after training with the BMC, then a plan can be
developed for the same. Initially there was no public Toilet in the whole town. The waters have been seriously polluted by the people around the lake. There are also just a few shops with their personal toilets in the compounds. This community needs to be sensitized on importance of toilet and toilet use. The learned people are very happy with the project as they already can see improved sanitation in town.

Management of facilities:
The toilet has just been completed and the management team is not in place. The consultant has organized a meeting with the Beach Management Committee for training and awareness campaigns. I intent to capacity-build the BMC on the management of toilet with lessons learned from other public toilets constructed by EPP.

Challenges of project:
The greatest challenge for he project is lack of piped water in the vicinity of the toilet. This means that the operators will get the flushing water directly from the lake to begin operations. I am already taking with the BMC and the water company in the region to have this facility connected with treated piped water for the water kiosk to run. Gas use concept is not in place. This is made more complex with the absence of an existing food kiosk nearby that can be advised to use the biogas as an energy alternative.

The following pictures show the construction components:

Back view of the complete unit with Baffle
Reactor and Bio-Digester.

Completed toilet block at Luanda Kotieno Beach
Town during handing over on 19th July from
Comila Construction Company.

The side view of the toilet with overhead tank
awaiting water connection. Infront is the
completed water kiosk attached to the toilet block.



The Implemeted Project at GACHOIRE GIRLS SECONDARY SCHOOL will be described in the following paragraph (visited on 15th July and reported by Moses Wakala):

Implemented by: Gachoire Girls, Board of Governors, Biomaida Construction Company, EPP
Ecosan components: 124cbm biogas settler (BG), Anaerobic Baffled Reactor with 6 chamber (6x1 m) (ABR), Effluent piping to Napier grass plantation, Biogas reuse for cooking in kitchen, 3 Dry Toilets and Urinal.
Construction time: April 2007– August. 2007; Operation started: 2008

Current state:
The visit showed improvement in general sanitation aspect in school. There is ownership of the project as explained by the Deputy Principal of the school. Waste treatment in the Biogas settler is ok. This is shown by the quality of effluent at the expansion chamber and the more gas production from the plant. Biogas produced is utulised at the kichen in cooking mainly staff food (Tea and Lunch). During the time of visit, there was enough gas in the kitchen to cook with a pressure of 48 cm H2O column. The gas burners are not well maintained and they are full of food remains.
Training is being organized for operation and maintenance early September when schools open. The Baffle Reactor is just complete with the sealing done. The top manhole covers are not airtight and the plaster is not even. It is now connected to the digester but it seemed like not much effluent was flowing out to the ABR as indicated by the dry channels at the manholes. The dry toilets are not in good use. Just a few male teachers use the urinals. All the toilets except one are permanently locked. The teachers need to be re-trained so as to accept this toilet as a sanitation option to them.

Management of facilities:
The facilities are managed by the school in general. There is the environmental club and a sanitation prefect and a teacher who ensures that the school hygiene is to standard. Students are responsible for cleaning the toilets. One Ground man is assigned on daily maintenance of the Biogas plant in terms of checking for leakages, filling water traps with water and keeping grass short at the plant. The whole project is an asset to the school and the Board is very concerned about its success.

Challenges of project:
An interview with the Deputy Principal revealed some un-satisfaction of the school community with EPP. The school as up to that time was not ready to sign the handing over documents because of what they claim that what EPP promised them is yet to be realized. The Board wanted an explanation why the toilets promised to them by the EPP management has not been done. They also said they cant take responsibility of new facility which they have little knowledge about. The trainings done are not sufficient.

Way Forward:
Follow-up training are to be organized very urgently to ensure project ownership and sustainability. This will entail the users training and O&M training to the selected people from the school. Reuse of treated effluent is also an issue to handle with the trainings instead of just dumping it to the nearby river.

Following photos show the demonstrate the project:

Dry Toilet Block at Gachoire Girls

ABR in Gachoire Girls High School

Gachoire Girls Gas Burner in Kitchen



Further information about the St. Peter Rambula Boys High School in Kenya will be presented in the following paragraph (visited on 17th June and reported by Moses Wakala):

Implemented by: St. Peter, Comila construction company, EPP
Ecosan components: 5 stand flush toilet, 50 cbm biogas settler (BG), Anaerobic Baffled Reactor with 6 chamber (4x1 m) (ABR), Effluent piping to banana plantation, Biogas reuse for cooking in kitchen not started
Construction time: March 2009 – Feb. 2010; Operation started: March 2010

Current state:
EPP has done a 50 cm digester and Baffle Reactor for the school. The toilet block is well used by the Girls. The boys are still using pit latrines because of location of the new toilets (5 in number) only favored the girls. The digester is not full and therefore biogas is not yet burning. The main source of water for flushing the toilet is the shallow well in the compound. The biogas piping should be checked for air-tightness and burners to be installed

Management of facilities:
The toilet facility is managed by the Principal, Sanitation teacher and the Environmental club. The cub meets at least once every week to discuss on the operation of the facility. The club gets constant support from the consultant and all the training are being organized together with the school.

The major challenge is water availability for flushing. The main source of water is from a shallow well and roof catchment in school. This is not sufficient and sometimes may lack forcing the club to get water from their homes. The gas pressure in the kitchen is still very low and this call for a pressure test to be performed.
The clay seals and the water traps must also be checked. GTZ to consider this.

Picture documentation:

Toilet and Roof Catchment

Hand wash unit at Rambula sec school



The Ambira Boys High School Project will be described in the following section (visited on 17th June and reported by Moses Wakala):

Implemented by: Ambira school, Comila construction company, EPP
Ecosan components: 5 stand flush toilet, 50 cbm biogas settler (BG), Anaerobic Baffled Reactor with 6 chamber (5x1 m) (ABR), Effluent piping to banana plantation, Biogas reuse for cooking in kitchen to start.
Construction time: March 2009 – Feb. 2010; Operation started: March 2010

Current state:
The toilet block has been a big relief to the school which was initially lacking space for pit construction. The school sanitation has now improved with the flushing toilet. A pressure test is needed to establish the air-tightness of the pipes and the plant. The stoves are also to be installed in the next visit. All the toilets are in good use and the effluent piping is not done. The school has agreed to prepare a farm next to the plant for bananas as treated effluent reuse.

Management of facilities:
The toilet is managed by the school environmental club together with the Principal and sanitation teacher. The school has employed a technician whom I trained on O and M to help the school on any technical problem when am away. (Mr. Oyugi)

Challenges of project:
The main challenge that the project is facing in this school is the gas reuse concept. The kitchen which is far away about 400 Meters seem to require more pressure for burning. There may be losses which are affecting the required pressure in the kichen. A pressure test is needed to confirm this. The burners are not installed in the kichen. This could be done immediately by the consultant but the transport issue and the required fitting items for work has to be sorted by GTZ.

The following pictures show the project components:

Rehabilitated toilets at Ambira School

Gas piping to be done in the kitchen



The following paragraph describes the Naivasha Public Toilet Project, implemented in Kenya in 2007/2008 (visited on 30.6. - 2.7.2010 and reported by Moses Wakala):

Implemented by: WSTF, NAIVAWASCO, EPP
Ecosan components: Public toilets with water kiosk, 50 cbm biogas settler (BG), Effluent connected to main public sewer, Biogas used in a nearby food cafe
Construction time: August 2007 – May 2008; Operation started: June 2008

Current state:
The toilet is in good use with trained operetors employed by the water company running the facility in experimental stage. The toilet needed some painting in general to give it a good look and appeal to the customers with some repair on masonry and plumping works. The water company which is making good sales from the toilet is ready to do these repairs as maintenance.

1. There is need for lighting in the facility so as to be friendly to night travelers in bus park
2. The amount of money to be paid by the Biogas user is not decided and this needs to be addressed for him to start submitting something. A gas flow meter is to be installed for efficient gas measurement.
3. There is a serious water shortage in the water kiosk that has made selling the
commodity unpredictable.

Follwing pictures show the construction of Naivasha Public Toilet:

Front view

Chairman of operations receives Sanitary Bins for
Ladies Toilets and rubbish Bins

New face of Naivasha Ecosan Toilet after repairs and painting



The following paragraph describes the Ugunja Town Public Toilet Project, currently implemented in Kenya (visited on 17th June and reported by Moses Wakala):

Implemented by: Ugunja town council, LVSWSB, SIBO, EPP
Ecosan components: Public toilets with water kiosk, 50 cbm biogas settler (BG), Anaerobic Baffled Reactor with 6 chamber (3x1 m) (ABR), Collection tank (2x1.5m), Effluent piping to a swamp 200 meters away, Biogas reuse not started.

Construction time: March 2009 – May 2010
Operation started: 1st June 2010

Current state:
Ugunja town gets a new toilet! The Market that has been threatened with closure due to lack of sanitation facility can now relax after Ecosan Promotion Project officially opened the doors of the long awaited Public Toilet at the centre of the town. The toilet construction that begun last year in November was concluded and this has left Ugunja Market transformed with a beautiful toilet. The construction entailed an onsite treatment of waste water by use of a digester which treats the waste producing Biogas for cooking or heating. The waste is then further treated in an anaerobic Baffled reactor to reduce the pollution (BOD) before being taken to farm for irrigation. The toilet that has showers for Ladies and Gents has been liked by the business community with a total of over 100 users realized for the first two days of opening. This is likely to improve after having done some visibility with writings to make people know that the facility exist. The water kiosk infront of the toilet is picking up and the rate of Ksh. 5.00 has been chosen by the council as the price of 20 Litre Jeri-can. Water is sourced from the main supplies at the Borehole.

Management of facilities:
The council has identified some community based organization that operates within the area for running of the business. This is on lease basis and the rate of lease is being established by the council. At the moment, the council has put its staff to run the toilet for one month to determine the returns from the toilet before renting it out to the CBO. The toilet operators will be trained by the consultant Moses Wakala together with the water company (SIBO) on operations and management.

Challenges of project:
The main challenges are the solid waste management around the toilet and Market. The new toilet site has been a dumping site for the market and despite efforts to stop this habit, the practice continued until recently when all the waste was moved away. The town management should plan well for an alternative site for dumping.

Pending Works:
1. Sealing of the Main Digester neck with Clay an all the other Man-holes has not been done due to delay in completion of construction work. This needs to be addressed
urgently due to fowl smell coming out from these manholes.
2. Biogas piping to a nearby food kiosk to facilitate Biogas utilization. Some café exist at the site and is ready to use the gas. These to be addressed by GTZ
3. Training of the operators on Operation and Maintenance.
4. Pressure test on piping and digester to ascertain the air-tightness of the system.

The following pictures show Ugunja Toilet.

Gents Section entrance

Front view of Ugunja Toilet


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