Sanitation Study in Kenya
To respond to the urgent need to improve sanitation in urban areas GTZ together with the Ministry of Water and Irrigation and the Water Services Trust Fund decided to implement a preliminary study to elaborate a sustainable sanitation concept on how to improve the sanitation situation in low-income areas focussing on sanitation service provision on household and plot level.
The objective of the study was to identify strategies and concepts for delivering sustainable sanitation services to the low-income population which are affordable and accessible.
To include up to date information, and get a good overview of the sanitation service provision in low-income areas, we conducted field visits in selected areas. Where we focused on two types of low income areas:
Type1: planned areas like Magongeni (Nairobi), Anderson (Kisumu) and Flamingo (Nakuru)
Type 2: unplanned areas like Mathare (Nairobi), Manyatta (Kisumu) and Kaptembwo (Nakuru)
The study shall serve the Kenyan water sector and the WSTF in particular as a basis for the development of a national household sanitation concept to improve service provision and increase access to basic sanitation in the medium to long-term.