Using Urine from UDDT as fertilizer
A farmer in the picture has been using urine from last year February as fertilizer on his farm. This was after a training I conducted in this area in Bungoma on Ecosan Toilets. He claims that urine has changed his way of life for better for ever. Urine has had positive results with Bananas, Onions, Nappier grass, Coffee and Mangoes. The quality of Nappier grass has improved and the rate of growth increased. During the time of drought, he only needs some little amount of water to dilute the urine and then pours the mixture to the cut nappier stems. He says that this is best done in the morning or late evening to minimise on smell of urine. Once the urine is applied, it only takes 4-5 weeks for Nappier to be ready again for cutting. They are very green with broad leaves. Urine is only used after 14days storage in the toilet. His farm has become a learning centre for many other people who are very interested in the UDDT. Some have already started constructing the toilet at their own cost.